Friday, September 4, 2009


when the owners got together...
i was only biggie alone...

the owner always drive biggie up to its new home...
and biggie always stares and wonder whether he can find love...

then one day...
the owners girlfriend brought her car...
its name is tiny...
biggie and tiny didnt believe in love at first sight...
but when they met they had fallen in love...
luckily biggie's owner parked biggie beside tiny...

biggie tried to approach tiny from the front...
biggie wanted to do what its owner and its girlfriend did which is kiss...
but it cant because it might damage its face...

then both biggie and tiny's owner decided to show biggie's new house...
when biggie and tiny reach the place it was quite romantic...
biggie and tiny felt that it was a dream come true for both of them eventhough they are cars...


Theresa_10237 said...



JaY iS iN dA hSe.... said...

cute leh... XD

韵弦⋆Samantha said...

like so small kid eh u both..>.<"

Theresa_10237 said...

To Sam
Aiyo.... Holiday too boring ma.... Nth to do....

JaY iS iN dA hSe.... said...

too sien ady...
so create story lor...